Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell salts his steps to make them less slippery in the ice but accidentally uses table salt. So he covers his steps in butter and dough, too, and lets the sun turn them into delicious pretzels that he eats while writing a city memo.
Leaf us alone
Piles and piles collected
Highway and utility crews are continuing to collect leaves in the rural areas of Concord, Aspell writes. Pretty soon they should have a full set!
Crews will continue with collection as weather permits. So far this year, crews have removed 1,367 loads of leaves (2,265 tons), compared with last year’s 967 loads (1,516 tons). In terms of inpidual leaves, that’s officially more than a little. Earth Materials Recycling Center, located off Fort Eddy Road, is closed for the season. Residents may bring leaves, branches or brush to Dirt Doctors in Pembroke for a fee.
Mikan drill
Wanna coach hoops?
Concord Parks & Recreation is looking for basketball coaches for several teams, Aspell writes. Those teams do not include any professional teams. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Kari Inglis at 225-8690 or at
Bag it
Artie T’s joint joins up
Concord General Services is pleased to announce that the Market Basket stores at 80 Storrs St. and 108 Fort Eddy Road are both now retailers of purple Pay-As-You-Throw trash bags, Aspell writes. So the strike was totally worth it!
The city continues to expand the market for PAYT bags, now with 20 locations throughout Concord. For more information, visit concordnh.gov/solidwaste.