New Hampshire nonprofits have an opportunity to get a major gift this holiday season as Building On Hope, a New Hampshire-based volunteer organization that collaborates with builders, architects, designers and suppliers, to provide physical improvements to non-profit facilities is currently searching for its next “Extreme Makeover” type renovation project. Building On Hope is accepting submissions from non-profit organizations in need of significant improvements to facilities they operate. In the past six years, Building On Hope has completed $800,000 in renovations to New Hampshire organizations like Easter Seals NH, Girls Inc. and Opportunity Networks through donated goods and labor.
To submit an organization for consideration to be Building On Hope’s 2016 signature project, compose a letter describing the work done by the nonprofit, how it benefits the community and how a rebuilt and remodeled structure could transform the organization and its services. All letters should be sent to by Jan. 30.
“In just over six years Building On Hope has completed $800,000 in renovations to nonprofits, and in the process, transformed hundreds of lives, leaving a legacy of hope for the future,” said Karen Van Der Beken, co-chair of Building On Hope. “As we head into the holiday season, we ask all New Hampshire nonprofits and the public to identify a project in their area that could benefit from resources Building On Hope provides.”
Every two years, Building On Hope takes on a new challenge, rallying volunteers, gathering resources and focusing attention on a projected selected for its potential to create enduring positive change for the immediate community and the state as a whole.
In May, nearly 200 Building On Hope volunteers and dozens of companies collaborated in a $300,000 effort to transform Opportunity Networks’ facility in Amherst, an organization that serves over 100 adults ranging in age from 20 to 60 who live with acquired and developmental disabilities.
In 2012, Building On Hope volunteers worked around the clock to bring new life into the 27 year-old Girls Inc. Manchester Girls Center building that had previously been a church. In 2010 Building On Hope completed its inaugural $250,000 renovation and dedication of The Krol House, a 1930’s home in Manchester used by Easter Seals NH as a residential home for boys with special needs.
Build On Hope needs donations and volunteers for their next project, as well as location ideas.
Visit to learn more about the organization, donate or sign up to volunteer.