By The Concord Insider - Nov 18, 2014 |

We know it’s only a couple weeks in to November, but we figured by this time at least something would be worthy of a spot on the Monitor’s Photos of the Month cubicle divider, but apparently that’s not the case. The cute letter from a young Bow reader telling Monitor columnist Ray Duckler to, in not so many words, ditch his beard and change his picture is the only thing that keeps the divider from feeling lonely when all the lights go out at the end of the night. But not all is lost because in the spirit of this issue, The Guide to Gifts and Giving, we plan on giving the divider the gift of several copies of this photo thumbtacked all over the vacant real estate. Or we might just fix the sign at the top and call it a day. It really could go either way.
We know it’s only a couple weeks in to November, but we figured by this time at least something would be worthy of a spot on the Monitor’s Photos of the Month cubicle pider, but apparently that’s not the case. The cute letter from a young Bow reader telling Monitor columnist Ray Duckler to, in not so many words, ditch his beard and change his picture is the only thing that keeps the pider from feeling lonely when all the lights go out at the end of the night. But not all is lost because in the spirit of this issue, The Guide to Gifts and Giving, we plan on giving the pider the gift of several copies of this photo thumbtacked all over the vacant real estate. Or we might just fix the sign at the top and call it a day. It really could go either way.
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