By The Concord Insider - Oct 21, 2014 |

The Insider received its first ever wedding invitation when Ashley and Jonas Bendiks got hitched this May, and of course we happily accepted. We then proceeded to hit the open bar pretty hard, use our finger to steal some of the frosting off the cake and nap in the coat closet until morning. So we may not remember it, but this picture proves we were there! And is that our good buddy Luke Bonner, recently wed himself, in the back row? (Being 7 feet tall probably makes you a regular in the back row of pictures.) Thanks for the invite, Ashley and Jonas, and many happy years to both of you!
The Insider received its first ever wedding invitation when Ashley and Jonas Bendiks got hitched this May, and of course we happily accepted. We then proceeded to hit the open bar pretty hard, use our finger to steal some of the frosting off the cake and nap in the coat closet until morning. So we may not remember it, but this picture proves we were there! And is that our good buddy Luke Bonner, recently wed himself, in the back row? (Being 7 feet tall probably makes you a regular in the back row of pictures.) Thanks for the invite, Ashley and Jonas, and many happy years to both of you!
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