By Keith Testa - Sep 16, 2014 | 0 comments

<strong>Recycled Cycles</strong></p><p>The team of Lindsay Feinman, Elizabeth Pockl and Jeanne Clark tinker with wires that connect to other wires and make bikes do bike things (forgive the techical jargon).

<strong>Recycled Cycles</strong></p><p>Goodwill Industries of Northern New England operates Recycled Cycles, where old bikes are retooled and cleaned up for sale, on Locke Road in Concord. Here, Josie Grove makes sure the brakes actually, you know, brake.

<strong>YMCA</strong></p><p>Protective stuff.

<strong>YMCA</strong></p><p>Melissa Allard has an open door policy for all the areas she works in.

<strong>YMCA</strong></p><p>Ashton Dasey just kept on rolling.

<strong>YMCA</strong></p><p>The YMCA had a crew putting a fresh coat of paint on a hallway. Left: Jenn Spagna can’t help but find the humor in the repetitive movement of her paint brush

<strong>Capitol Center for the Arts</strong></p><p>Andrew Mattiace is seen during filming of the upcoming sequel to Ghostbusters. Or vacuuming up some thousand year old dust in the attic.

<strong>Capitol Center for the Arts</strong></p><p>Brian Kraus and Steve Martin load up a cart with some of the boxes of old financial records removed from the attic. Identify thieves beware, though: the cart was taken directly to the shredding truck outside the building Also, you can’t steal a building’s identity.

<strong>Capitol Center for the Arts</strong></p><p>Crews were at the Capitol Center for the Arts all day long, cleaning a ton of old stuff out of the attic and basement. They discovered some pretty sweet relics in the basement, including a ton of old projector parts and an ancient light bulb that was artfully displayed by Rick Rooks as Tom Charron looked on
Granite United Way held its annual day of activism and drew a record number of volunteers from businesses in and around Concord – more than 450 on 64 projects in the county – and we were there to chase them around the city