By Keith Testa - Sep 2, 2014 | 0 comments

8. Don’t eat up here if you have a fear of heights. Or a fear of super sweet roof decks. This one can be found at The Draft on South Main Street.

7. This is the entrance to the luxurious Insider pool, also known as the Merrimack River. It’s also the boat launch at Everett Arena on Loudon Road.

6. This sign will direct you everywhere but its actual location, which is Apple Hill Farm at 580 Mountain Road.

5. Everyone likes ice cream, and the best thing to do with it is to eat it. Which makes this decorative sign in the seating area at Ballard’s Ice Cream at 7 Broadway truly good advice. We’re doing it right now!

4. Almost everyone correctly identified this as the baseball field at White Park. Must have been too easy. Next time, no fountain clues..

3. Perhaps the surest sign that summer is waning is this spot and all its Concord brethren are closed for the season. Empty or not, though, it’s still the Keach Park pool.

2. If you’re a faithful reader of the Insider, you’ll know that we gave this answer away in last week’s issue. For the other one or two of you, this is a contraption at Carter Hill Orchard at 73 Carter Hill Road.

1. We claimed that you couldn’t ride this bike, but that was assuming you weren’t also made of metal. Anyway, this ornament can be spotted at S&W Sports on South Main Street.