Dogs love to chew on things and this little purple biscuit bouncer named Squirrel Dude will help level the playing field after years of those bushy tailed buggers tormenting our four-legged friends.
What happens when you mix two of our favorite things? You get this wise guy bobblehead complete with a wad of cash, gold chain and sweet mustache. And no one will ever disrespect you again.
For the record, we truly enjoy a good taco. Beef, chicken, pork, you name it and we’ll eat it. We eat them every Tuesday (thanks Dos friends), plus at least two other nights a week. And while that may seem like a lot, it won’t be once we get our hands on this creative invention. Not only does Quick Taco translate to fast food, but it’s not the kind that will require a visit to the drive through. This As Seen on TV product acts as both a non-stick baking rack and a taco stand. We’re not quite sure about this whole baked over fried concept, but we might be willing to overlook it. To be continued.