Tim got turned around trying to find one hole and his ball somehow landed on this hydrant in the Monitor parking lot, where he found it a few days later. Here he is trying to knock it back toward the hole (he finished that hole with a gazillion-bogey.)

You’re totally allowed to flip your putter around and use it like a pool cue if you find the traditional shooting method too frustrating, right?

Keith lost a best-of-3 putting competition to Tim from 50 yards away. Can you blame him? The pressure from the peanut gallery enjoying snacks on the Beaver Meadow gallery was palpable. Seriously, can’t you feel it palping?

Nobody is entirely sure how exactly the ball is in the air this far away from Tim on his putt attempt.

Keith demonstrates what we later found out was slightly exaggerated back swing for a short putt.

It’s sort of a rule that you have to start with a quintessential golf shot, which we did – Tim following the path of his chip shot from the rough.