Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell fills up the kiddie pool in his office with cold water and takes a dip. He forgets to leave before conducting his weekly Skype meeting with the President, though, and gets busted when his rubber ducky drifts by in the background. Also in the background? This city memo!
Complete Streets
Meetings are really long
City administration, General Services and Engineering staff, McFarland Johnson and the Federal Highway Administration have, thus far, had five joint meetings with the contractor selected through the construction management/general contractor process for the Downtown Complete Streets Project, Aspell writes. A proposal to refer to it as the Downtown Incomplete Streets Project until it is finished was roundly rejected.
The meetings have each lasted an average of 3 to 4 hours, which is a lot of hours for a meeting to last, with the parties committed to finding ways to improve the delivery of the designed project. The contractor has been very thorough and has worked diligently with a variety of sub- contractors to answer the project team’s questions and present alternatives for consideration. One alternative that didn’t gain any traction? Turn Main Street 90 degrees in a new direction.
Based upon where things stand today, city staff anticipate having a report to City Council within the next two weeks. Presumably with cited bibliography. Assuming City Council authorizes the project to move forward, the project team anticipates starting construction this summer.
Complete Tweets
Tweets are really short
The General Services Department now has a Twitter account, Aspell writes. Let us be the first to say, #welcometotheparty.
Follow @ConcordNHGS to be the first to know about road work, street closures, trash holidays, events, contests and much more. Trash holidays? Man, our trash hasn’t had a vacation in years!