Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell tries to create a new Barley House burger featuring Aspellaragus and Aspelliago cheese, called the Aspellbound Burger. And it’s delicious! But first he writes a city memo.
‘Sup, pup
Get your dog register on
The City Clerk’s Office would like to remind dog owners that the deadline to license a dog is April 30, Aspell writes. Your dog would like to remind you that his food bowl is empty.
Per NH RSA 466:1, every owner or keeper of a dog, 4 months of age or older (we assume they’re talking about the dog there), must license said dog in the municipal clerk’s office in the city or town in which the dog is kept. Licenses are effective from May 1 through April 30 of the subsequent year.
The city of Concord does not invoice residents for dog licenses. To be reminded of annual dog licensing, train your dog to leave you a sticky note on April 1. Or visit concordnh.gov, click on the “Notify Me” button, and follow the instructions to sign up for dog licensing renewal reminders. Residents may unsubscribe at any time.
For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 225-8500 or via e-mail at cityclerk@concordnh.gov.
Sweet party, y’all
Human Resources Benefits Administrator Robin Wirbal is a recent recipient of the city’s Performance Get Away Award for her lead role in coordinating this year’s Wellness Fair, Aspell writes. The Get Away award confusingly doesn’t come with a free getaway (it sort of does, though. Keep reading).
Events like the wellness fair are often organized with a professional service that can dedicate 100 percent of the needed resources to coordinate the outside vendors, logistics of the day, marketing, etc. (We prefer to give 110 percent ourselves). Wirbal took this on in addition to her already full plate, as the Human Resources Department works to coordinate an open dental bid, plan for open enrollment using new software, and deal with other day-to-day duties. The wellness fair was well received by employees, families of employees, retirees and the general public. Every vendor spot was sold out, with a waiting list. This type of event coordination would have been very costly if an outside event planner had been used. As a reward for this cost savings, Robin will be granted four hours of time off.