A rain garden is a shallow, bowl-shaped garden, similar to a perennial garden, that is designed to capture rainfall and snowmelt. Rain gardens help to keep nearby lakes and streams healthy and clean by soaking up the rain and pollutants found in stormwater.
On Saturday, May 3, from 8:30 am to noon in the Multi-purpose Room (Student Center 102) at NHTI, there will be a free Rain Garden Workshop for homeowners. Speakers will include Jillian McCarthy of the NH Dept. of Environmental Science, and Dr. Cathy Neal of the UNH Cooperative Extension.
Attendees will learn how design, plant and maintain a rain garden on their own property to deal with excess runoff and help protect the surrounding environment. Hands-on activities are included. Attendees will also receive a copy of the NH Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management while supplies last.
There is no charge for this workshop, but please pre-register by contacting Mary West at 796-2151 or mary.west@unh.edu.
For more details visit, nhti.edu/docs/rain-garden-workshop.pdf.