By The Concord Insider - Apr 22, 2014 |

The 1962 Concord Independents were runners-up in the New Hampshire State Amateur Baseball Tournament, and were also runners-up in wearing the same uniform, Who let those Falcons guys in, anyway? Team members were: <strong>Front row:</strong> Don Mason, Paul Breckell, Jerry Babson, Dick Whittier, Roby Gaudreau.<strong> Back row:</strong> Tom DeStefano, Dunk Walsh, John Jackson, Dick Gagne, Olin Ingham, Chet Hoadley, Tom Johnson, Bruce Keenan, Dick Daley, Dick Symonds and Frank Wilner. Thanks to Frank Wilner for sending in the photo.
The 1962 Concord Independents were runners-up in the New Hampshire State Amateur Baseball Tournament, and were also runners-up in wearing the same uniform, Who let those Falcons guys in, anyway? Team members were: Front row: Don Mason, Paul Breckell, Jerry Babson, Dick Whittier, Roby Gaudreau. Back row: Tom DeStefano, Dunk Walsh, John Jackson, Dick Gagne, Olin Ingham, Chet Hoadley, Tom Johnson, Bruce Keenan, Dick Daley, Dick Symonds and Frank Wilner. Thanks to Frank Wilner for sending in the photo.
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