By The Concord Insider - Mar 18, 2014 |

Intown Concord held its Locally Famous Art Auction as part of its annual meeting Thursday evening, and Rick Broussard went home with Keith’s creation after shelling out what he estimated to be “$1 per brush stroke.” Given that, we can only hope he assumed Keith did the whole thing in one continuous brush stroke. But Rick is willing to let the bidding continue (“no reason to be selfish with my acquisition,” he said), with all proceeds going to Intown Concord. (Re)opening bid starts at $150! If you’re interested, email us at
Intown Concord held its Locally Famous Art Auction as part of its annual meeting Thursday evening, and Rick Broussard went home with Keith’s creation after shelling out what he estimated to be “$1 per brush stroke.” Given that, we can only hope he assumed Keith did the whole thing in one continuous brush stroke. But Rick is willing to let the bidding continue (“no reason to be selfish with my acquisition,” he said), with all proceeds going to Intown Concord. (Re)opening bid starts at $150! If you’re interested, email us at
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