By The Concord Insider - Mar 4, 2014 |

Ways to tell downtown Concord has changed in the last 135 years or so? It’s in color now! Also, you no longer find a grocer, a fish market and a meat market within 50 feet of each other as you do here. Nor do you find a horse trough and drinking fountain in the center of Pleasant Street, though since they are reconsidering the Main Street project, it might be something to consider adding. But really, would a more horse-friendly downtown draw additional bidders? We say neigh. Thanks to Earl Burroughs for the photo.
Ways to tell downtown Concord has changed in the last 135 years or so? It’s in color now! Also, you no longer find a grocer, a fish market and a meat market within 50 feet of each other as you do here. Nor do you find a horse trough and drinking fountain in the center of Pleasant Street, though since they are reconsidering the Main Street project, it might be something to consider adding. But really, would a more horse-friendly downtown draw additional bidders? We say neigh. Thanks to Earl Burroughs for the photo.
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