By The Concord Insider - Jan 28, 2014 |

Faithful reader Julia Gunnison, a student at Johns Hopkins University, recently spent the holidays in the United Arab Emirates. Here she is in front of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. How tall is it? Taller than two stacks of Insiders, at least. And, judging by the picture, approximately twice as tall as Julia. We want to see your travel photos with the Insider, too! Email them to
Faithful reader Julia Gunnison, a student at Johns Hopkins University, recently spent the holidays in the United Arab Emirates. Here she is in front of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. How tall is it? Taller than two stacks of Insiders, at least. And, judging by the picture, approximately twice as tall as Julia. We want to see your travel photos with the Insider, too! Email them to
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