Ushering in the New Year, ‘Insider’ style

In the spirit of the New Year, we took some time to reflect upon some of what’s happened during the last 12 months and to make some resolutions for the next 12.

The exercise was a little easier for Tim, since for the first nine months of last year he didn’t know the Insider even existed. And for the last three he’s been working to prove to himself that it is real and he’s not on a low budget spin-off of The Office.

As for Keith, the Insidery moments have come so fast and furious that he’s developed a tendency to block everything out from each previous edition. Just think, when you are reading this, Keith will have no idea what you’re reading about.

We decided to look forward to next year, as well, and give you our resolutions for 2014. We’re going to do our best to keep them for the entire year, but there are no guarantees – a few Insider resolutions didn’t make it past day one of the puppy wall calendar last year. Anyway, here’s the Insider’s official list of New Year’s resolutions for 2014.

∎ Write more stories about cats.

∎ Quit smoking candy cigarettes.

∎ Quit smoking candy canes.

∎ Find ways to increase the number of times we incorporate beer in our work. 

∎ Try new and exciting adventures. (Use your imagination.)

∎ Eat tacos on a day other than Tuesday. (Use your imagination.)

∎ Finance the move to a swank new downtown office.

∎ Take down our Christmas lights before March.

∎ Hang our March lights before Christmas.

∎ Replant our Christmas tree.

∎ Start printing the Insider in 3-D.

∎ Run for public office.

∎ Run by a public office.

∎ Food Snob every restaurant in Concord, in the same day.

∎ Go the gym more, particularly on free pizza night and free bagel morning.

∎ Spend more time with your family.

∎ Use the word mellifluous at least once in every issue. 

∎ Look up the definition of mellifluous.

∎ Win every category in the Cappies.

Author: Insider staff

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