This is the one that got away. Not the model, the sweater. This amazing masterpiece features a gangsta cat in a dollar sign chain and the phrase meow-y Christmas. If it wasn’t sold out, we’d be wearing it right now.

Mistletoe me? It’s awfully forward, at least as confusing, and grounds for a restraining order in several states.

A super-beardy Santa head.

We also found the rare holiday turtleneck, which appears to be circa 1983ish .

Finally, a Christmas sweater featuring people without any flesh on their faces.

This sweater is a tutorial on how to place the star atop your Christmas tree.

This was one of the options for the little ones, and we liked it a little.

We spent a great deal of time debating whether the sweater on the left is even ugly. The decision? We’re hungry!

It’s equally hard to beat the faux-button middle of the blue sweater, which also features Santa’s hanging laundry, jolly boxers and all.

It's hard to beat the super-crowded holiday tableau on this sweater. It’s like we’re all living in Ugly Sweatshirt Village!