Handy tips for reducing waste without reducing holiday enjoyment

We are in the midst of the holiday season. This is the time of year when we celebrate by eating more, having parties, and giving lots of gifts in wrapped packages with ribbons and bows. The problem with all of this is we increase our consumption of food and “stuff” during the holidays and we generate tons and tons of waste. The amount of waste generated between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day increases significantly – an increase of 25 percent, which equates to an estimated million tons of extra trash per day.

We don’t need to stop celebrating the holidays to reduce our impact on the environment. Consider making a few changes this holiday season that will help protect our planet. Here are some ideas to get you started.

∎ Reduce the Wrapping
Wrap your gifts in recycled or reusable paper or gift bags rather than shiny metallic rolls that are hard to recycle. Try using newspapers, like the comics section, brown paper bags that you decorate yourself, holiday fabric, or perhaps new towels which are definitely functional and reusable. The list of wrapping options is endless, so be creative! And don’t forget to keep a box handy to save ribbons, bows, gift bags and wrapping paper to re-use next year.

∎ Minimize Packaging
Look for gifts with little or no packaging, or packaging that can be easily reused or recycled. Gift cards are useful, can be recycled and are easy to wrap. Also, remember to bring your own reusable bags for gift and grocery shopping.

∎ Give Environmentally Friendly Gifts
Look for gifts with recycled content or clothes made from organic cotton or other sustainable fabrics. Consider gifts with environmental themes, such as a water-saving showerhead, energy efficient light bulbs, rain barrels for watering the garden, or a gift certificate to a local green products company. Or you could make a donation in someone’s name to a charity that supports the environment or give tickets to a play, concert, or local event that can provide hours of enjoyment and lifelong memories.

∎ Reduce Waste at Holiday Gatherings
If you host a party, use cloth napkins and reusable dishes, glasses, and silverware. At your workplace, consider having employees keep a reusable plate, cup and utensil for the celebratory goodies as opposed to constantly using stacks of disposable materials for these events. This not only saves on paper and plastic, but also reduces the cost of organizing these events.

∎ Save Energy on Holiday Lights
Consider switching to energy efficient LED (light-emitting diode) or solar-powered lights for your holiday decorations. These lights add a sleek look and will save you money on your winter electric bill. Be sure to turn off or unplug holiday lights during the day – doing so will not only save energy, but will also help your lights last longer.

∎ Send Holiday Cards Electronically
Sending electronic cards is a simple way to reduce the amount of holiday waste from greeting cards. Many websites offer a selection of holiday e-cards that can be personalized and sent to family and friends. If you prefer sending cards through the mail, look for cards printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink. Save your old greeting cards for making new cards, decorations or gift tags, or use them for scrap paper.

∎ Christmas Tree Debate
Real or Fake? Nearly all cut Christmas trees were grown on tree farms, which means the stock is replenished yearly and forests aren’t depleted. Real Christmas trees are a much greener choice than artificial trees that are made with petroleum-based materials and are often shipped thousands of miles before they reach your living room. When buying your tree, choose a reputable local vendor from a tree farm that uses minimal pesticides and green-growing practices. Plus, unlike artificial trees that eventually end up in the landfill, cut trees can be recycled after the holidays. Concord provides several drop-off locations throughout the city for used trees, so check with General Services to find the location nearest to you.

∎  Shop and Buy Locally
Locally-owned business purchases require less transportation and help keep our local economy strong. And here’s a new idea – check out nearbyregistry.com for a gift registry at local stores. You can use it to shop for gifts for others or to let your friends and family know what you would like for the holiday or any other special event in your life. Supporting local businesses is one of the best ways to encourage an active downtown center and better local environment.

These are just a few of the things you can do to “go green” for the holidays. To learn more, just search the web for green holiday tips – you will be amazed at all the possibilities for promoting a more sustainable holiday season. We hope you will be get inspired by these ideas, create some of your own, and share them with friends and family. What a wonderful gift for you to give to our planet!

The Concord Energy and Environment Committee contributes a monthly column to the Insider. The members of CEEC aim to inform and engage the citizens of Concord about energy, environmental, and sustainability issues and policies. CEEC works with city administration and the Concord City Council to identify and implement sustainability programs and strategies. If you have questions or you would like to become involved in the committee, please contact us at 225-8500.

Author: Keith Testa

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