Czech Mix – Tue, 17 Dec 2013

Our groundbreaking Bearcat coverage has gone international, thanks to Debbie Varnell, seen here with her sisters, Marilyn Soboti and Kathryn Minkler, her father, Jesse Sobotik, and brother, Mark Sobotik, at Pustevny, an alpine resort in the Beskydy Mountains in the Czech Republic.
Our groundbreaking Bearcat coverage has gone international, thanks to Debbie Varnell, seen here with her sisters, Marilyn Soboti and Kathryn Minkler, her father, Jesse Sobotik, and brother, Mark Sobotik, at Pustevny, an alpine resort in the Beskydy Mountains in the Czech Republic.

Our groundbreaking Bearcat coverage has gone international, thanks to Debbie Varnell, seen here with her sisters, Marilyn Soboti and Kathryn Minkler, her father, Jesse Sobotik, and brother, Mark Sobotik, at Pustevny, an alpine resort in the Beskydy Mountains in the Czech Republic.

Author: The Concord Insider

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