Moving Miss Peggy
Robert Benson
2013, 163 pages
Miss Peggy is suffering from dementia. Is it solely dementia, or will it lead to Alzheimer’s? Can it be slowed or turned around? No one knows for sure, not even the professionals. Miss Peggy’s family is moving her to an assisted living facility where she can be looked after as her mental capacity decreases. This book is written by Miss Peggy’s children, who use their strengths to do what they can for her. Of her four children, who will take her car keys away when she can no longer drive? Can she still go to church and the beauty parlor each week? How long can she keep working? How much pretending can you do before you notice the signs that have probably been there all along? Peppered through the book are questions from Miss Peggy herself as she goes through her move, such as “will anybody ever come to see me here?”
This book, written from a family perspective, is caring and thoughtful and may answer some niggling questions a family may have when they have a loved one suffering from dementia.
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