By Keith Testa - Nov 12, 2013 | 0 comments

Mike Curley shows the correct way to dip a bag of grains into some very hot water.

Don’t worry everyone, those are only fresh hops being weighed out.

When Ed Ramshaw designed his homebrewing contraption, the end result resembled something more like a clothes-washing setup from the late 1800’s, but it sure does produce some delicious-tasting beer.

Mashing beer is only a good idea during the brewing process.

A refractometer can track the fermentation of a beer and makes you look like a scientist at the same time.

You can’t make a delicious brew without the right ingredients.

Can you believe beer comes out of this?

Hot water is a vital cog in creating beer.

Don’t forget to add lots of hops.

Wort extraction is one step closer to enjoying your homebrew.
We hopped over to the Concord Area Homebrewers’s sudsy demonstration.