We at the Insider like to scour Craigslist’s Missed Connections to see if anyone in Concord spied us raking leaves in our lycra leotard is finding true love online. Here, presented unedited as always, are some of the best recent entries.
Wisdom teeth – m4w – 23 (Concord)
We met a couple times, when I had an operation done. You were sweet and made sure I woke up with my glasses already on my face so I wouldn’t forget them. You saw me where I work shortly after, and you were upset that we were out of a specific item… What were we out of? I think of you from time to time. I wish I could see you.
tats n boots – m4w – 33 (concord walmart boot section)
I feel so stupid i never cought your name or gave my number my son raised havoc while i waited for help and talked to you i was very attracted to you and distracted by everythung else the boots my son running off and the employees showing up you said goodbye. Wich was if not distracted i should have asked you to dinner oh well its a long shot but im trying the best i can and hopefully you read and respond thanks and ill be awaiting
Hottie with Foot/ankle splint, green shirt – m4w (Concord)
Just wanted to let you know, as we were doing our thing across from each other yesterday, I was thinking how much of a classy, good looking woman you are. Just thought you should know!
bank – m4w – 28 (concord)
You work at a bank in concord on main street and have got to say you are very stunning I’ve thought that since the first time I saw you there. Was there today and we talked about somewhere you have never been. if you happen to see this tell me what place we were referring to.