Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell goes online and purchases the instructions to build a city-managing robot. Just when he is about to put the finishing touches on, he has to run to the door to pay the pizza delivery man. When he comes back, the robot renders him unconscious and eats all the pizza while reciting the oral history of city memos. We transcribed all the timely parts.
Knock Knock
Who’s there? A door
The Public Properties Division of General Services had a new front door installed at the West Street Ward House, Aspell writes. The previous door was sold on eBay for 39 cents. You’ll be able to recognize the door because it’s the only new item on the building. The project is part of the ongoing improvements to the city’s many recreational facilities.
Pretty campy
Lego archery is not a thing
The Parks and Recreation Department hosted more than 150 children last week in its summer camp program, Aspell writes. Some of the upcoming camps are soccer, golf, lacrosse, theater, Lego, archery, and tennis. The hybrid lacrosse theater camp and Lego archery camp were ultimately rejected.
The camps are for children in first through 12th grade. Visit the Parks and Recreation website at concordnh.gov/recreation for additional details and registration.
Water water everywhere
Actually, just in this main
The contractor for the Loudon Road water main replacement project began a Sunday through Thursday evening work schedule July 21, Aspell writes. This ensures that you won’t accidentally stumble into an open crevice on Friday or Saturday night. At least not one at this site.
Workers will be saw cutting the pavement (Cutting pavement with a saw? Sounds hard.) from Ellsworth Street to Allard Street and installing the new water main between Drew Street and Gate Street. They will then proceed to 21 Jump Street for their ensuing project.
At the Liberry
Things to do and stuff
Children can build a fairy or goblin house or listen to a story, and adults can knit and crochet or watch a movie, Aspell writes. Crazed ramblings of an overworked man? No – well, probably not. They’re activities at the Concord Public Library. Visit the library website at concordpubliclibrary.net for more information about all their programs.
Watch Chester Copperpot
And One-Eyed Willie
Summer in the City activities this week including the Never’s Band Concert at the State House on July 23 at 7 p.m., and Goonies will be the July 24 Wednesday Movie in the Park at Rollins Park, beginning at 8:45 p.m., Aspell writes. Expect the truffle shuffle to make an appearance during at least one of the events.