When you walk around Concord, you probably see the same things every day. Some you take for granted, some blend into the scenery and some you just never even notice at all. Here at the Insider, finding the beauty in little things is pretty much what we do! With that in mind, we’ve compiled a scavenger hunt of the little details and hidden gems of Concord.
Can you find these items and locations around town? Here’s a hint: read the hints we provide. Once you’ve figured out where they are, email us at news@theconcordinsider.com and tell us where each of these places is (feel free to send along your own photos to prove you were there, too). Whoever finds the most wins a $25 gift certificate to the Concord business of their choice – we’re buying!
That means you can support a local business and get free stuff at the same time. If that doesn’t get you up and hunting, nothing will!