By The Concord Insider - Apr 23, 2013 |

This drawing is the winning entry from the Concord-Merrimack County SPCA’s drawing contest in the 4 and under division. Congratulations to Esha Camacho for creating this picture of what we can only assume is a clown hanging out with a kangaroo and some sort of aardvark. Keep reading the Insider in upcoming weeks to see the winners from the other three divisions of the contest.
This drawing is the winning entry from the Concord-Merrimack County SPCA’s drawing contest in the 4 and under pision. Congratulations to Esha Camacho for creating this picture of what we can only assume is a clown hanging out with a kangaroo and some sort of aardvark. Keep reading the Insider in upcoming weeks to see the winners from the other three pisions of the contest.
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