Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell finds himself embroiled in a wacky bet. If he goes back to school and successfully completes every grade from kindergarten to high school, he will inherit the city of Concord! He does a great job right up until the spelling bee, at which point he spells out the city memo at length.
It’s baaaaa-aaaaaack!
Dun dun dun
As the warmer weather arrives, so too does the resumption of the Route 3/North State Street reconstruction project, Aspell writes. You mean warmer weather like the other day when it was ice-raining?
The contractor returned Monday to complete work that was postponed due to inclement weather last year. That’s a pretty long rain delay. That work includes placing concrete tip down ramps at side street intersections, construction of a pedestrian refuge island at Boutwell’s Bowling, turf establishment, and other miscellaneous clean-up items throughout the corridor. A pedestrian refuge island? We can only hope that includes a swim-up bar and all-you-can-eat nachos.
Minor delays are expected next week from the state prison to Penacook Street. Of course, in this circumstance the definition of minor is usually “long enough to pull your eyelashes out one at a time. Twice.”
At the liberry
Movies and things
National Library Week is April 14-20, and the Concord Public Library is taking part, Aspell writes. Events include a showing of the movie Lincoln on April 18 at 6:30 p.m.
While the fury of the Civil War continues, and the death numbers rise, Abraham Lincoln strives to get the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery passed. (Spoiler alert: Lincoln has a really sweet beard).
This movie stars Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones. Rated PG; 150 minutes.
There are also children’s programs during the week. Fooling Banjos will be held April 17 at 7 p.m. and is a lively musical program which includes songs and instruments in the Old Time style and will feature banjos, mandolin, guitar and fiddle. Old Time style is known by many as the precursor to dubstep.
Also for children, Build a Lego Community will be held April 20 at 2 p.m.
Join your neighbors and build a city made of Legos. Don’t forget a tiny Lego Tom Aspell and his requisite Lego fortress.
Return of the Beav
A long walk not spoiled
Beaver Meadow Golf Course opened for the 2013 season last Wednesday, Aspell writes, celebrating its 117th year with opening weekend specials. For instance, match your score to the year of the anniversary and win the shame of all your golf buddies!
The course is currently “walking only” with hope to allow carts later next week. Or at least Hot Wheels.
For more information, visit beavermeadowgolfcourse.com.