Kenya take us along? – Tue, 19 Mar 2013

Randy Kosow (left) and Carmen Kosow (right) took the Insider with them on a trip to visit their daughter Leah Kosow (center), who was doing a medical internship in Kenya. Here they are at Mount Kenya’s luxurious Mountain Rock Bantu Lodge. If you take the Insider with you on an exotic trip, we want to see a picture! Send it along to and we will print it in a future issue.
Randy Kosow (left) and Carmen Kosow (right) took the Insider with them on a trip to visit their daughter Leah Kosow (center), who was doing a medical internship in Kenya. Here they are at Mount Kenya’s luxurious Mountain Rock Bantu Lodge. If you take the Insider with you on an exotic trip, we want to see a picture! Send it along to and we will print it in a future issue.

Randy Kosow (left) and Carmen Kosow (right) took the Insider with them on a trip to visit their daughter Leah Kosow (center), who was doing a medical internship in Kenya. Here they are at Mount Kenya’s luxurious Mountain Rock Bantu Lodge. If you take the Insider with you on an exotic trip, we want to see a picture! Send it along to and we will print it in a future issue.

Author: The Concord Insider

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