Teams were also asked what you do and do not see in a school of quality, and The G Team from Gilsum Elementary said you do see “erasers,” but do not see “animals.” Their project was for older students to help younger students get comfortable at school.

The Happy Huskies of Highbridge Hill Elementary School in New Ipswich – with Northeast Delta Dental CEO Tom Raffio – believe a quality of a good leader is “hands and feet to yourself.” They proposed a Bully Squad to help eliminate bullying.

These young ladies – the Believers from Troy Elementary – must be chilly, because an area they’d like to see their school improve was “heat.” Their plan for the school was to develop a student council to “generate ideas to make what seems impossible possible.”

The Bulldogs from Boynton Middle School in New Ipswich proposed a student-promoted science fair and a school-wide recycling system. It was one of the more creative plans concocted on the day, with bonus points for including a sketch of a beaker and an atom during their presentation. Everyone loves eye candy!