Hey Concord, do you want to find the next Ryan Seacrest? Good, neither do we. If he’s out there, let’s just leave him be. But how about finding the first ever junior TV host for ConcordTV?
Now that’s more like it!
ConcordTV is seeking a Concord-area student between the ages of nine and 14 to become the station’s inaugural junior TV host and have his or her debut during the live April 14 broadcast of Concord On Air. Auditions will be held Feb. 2 beginning at 10 a.m.
If the winner goes on to host American Idol, don’t blame us.
“It’s an idea we’ve been kicking around for awhile, that we want to get more youth involved in our channels,” Doris Ballard, executive director of ConcordTV, said. “We thought this might be a great opportunity for some young local talent who would like to try TV.”
That’s a call out to all those who have ever used a hairbrush as a microphone and interviewed the family pet. The first interview for the junior host will likely be with a two-legged subject, perhaps Mayor Jim Bouley as he helps introduce the Concord On Air program. The host will also have other responsibilities throughout the six-hour live broadcast and will also likely help wrap things up at the end.
“It would be great to have the junior host right there at teh beginning to be with the mayor and the board chair and introduce the whole program,” Ballard said. “Maybe have a few prepared questions for the mayor. I can see that, and maybe to wrap up the show. We’ll find ways to intersperse him or her throughout the day, something they will be comfortable with.”
Perfect hair and a megawatt smile are not required; a sense of humor and an outgoing personality are.
“They should be able to read a script and be comfortable looking at the camera,” Ballard said. “We’re looking for someone who is clearly not shy, that is not going to be intimidated by cameras and just brings a level of energy that will translate to the viewer.”
The auditions will be held at the ConcordTV studio at Concord High School (entrance D) and will feature the reading of a script that will be provided beforehand, followed by an “informal conversation” on air with a guest or two, Ballard said. Seventeen potential hosts have nailed down audition times already, but there are more slots available for Concord students. Those interested should contact Ballard at 226-8872 or via email at doris@yourconcordtv.org.
There may be opportunities down the road for those who do not earn the distinction as the first junior host, Ballard said. If there are other talented students who make a positive impression, they could be used on air in a variety of roles, as well. Ballard would also like to incorporate a class at the station for students interested in learning about television as ConcordTV expands its youth involvement.
“This is just the beginning for us in getting some youth in the area involved. They can learn, they can grow, get some confidence,” Ballard said. “We’d really like to have a class perhaps for students about how to handle yourself in front of the camera. This is the launch; we’re hoping this is going to be the beginning of a lot more involvement, especially from the school district.”