By Ben Conant - Nov 27, 2012 |

Success Kid: He makes the best out of bad situations.

Skeptical Third-World Kid: He's not so sure your plan makes sense.

Scumbag Steve: On a mission to do the sketchiest thing possible.

Boromir from Lord of the Rings: You think one simply walks into Mordor?

Ridiculously Photogenic Guy: He always looks great, no matter what the situation.

Futurama Fry: He's never quite sure what he's looking at.

First World Problems: She doesn't know how good she has it.

The Most Interesting Man in the World: He doesn't always do things, but when he does...

Sudden Clarity Clarence: Something just dawned on him - and it blew his mind.

Bad Luck Brian: He always ends up in the worst-case scenario.

The Ten Guy: He's got a healthy buzz on and he's figuring stuff out.
If you have a computer, you’ve seen them – memes are everywhere. In fact, the word even made it into the Oxford English Dictionary!</p><p><em>meme (noun): an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations. </em></p><p>And it’s not just crazy cats and e-cards anymore; the newest, hippest memes can contain biting social commentary, phrased in humorous ways and accompanied by a picture that sets the mood. With that in mind, we took some of the hottest current memes and applied them to Concord. Like what you see or think you can do better? Head over to and create your own Concord memes, then post them on our Facebook wall or email them to
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