By Keith Testa - Oct 23, 2012 | 0 comments

<strong>Katy Brown Solsky, Granite State Arts Market</strong><br /><br />“If there is something amazing going on in Concord, chances are Katy and her husband, Scott, are behind it. From Goodgood Concord, to the Arts Markets, to the Woman’s Club of Concord, to CYPN, Katy has her hands in everything.” – quote from nomination<br />

<strong>Josh Robinson, Checkmate Payroll Systems</strong><br /><br />“Josh is a tireless volunteer and donor to events and causes that affect the Concord area. He is a compassionate leader and an accomplished professional.” – quote from nomination

<strong>Sarah Robinson, Forever Feasting</strong><br /><br />“Sarah has taken the ‘luxury’ of having a personal chef and turned it into an opportunity to educate people about local and sustainable nutrition choices. She takes the bull by the horns and gets positive results.”<br />– quote from nomination

<strong>Jessica Eshleman, New Hampshire Humanities Council</strong><br /><br />“Through her tireless leadership efforts to engage young professionals with community partners she has created a whirlwind of connections. Jessica played an integral role in the rethinking Main Street project, which ultimately led to Concord successful efforts to obtain a $4.7 million grant to be used for turning the rethinking Main Street idea into a reality.” – quote from nomination

<strong>Mike Cashion, Villari’s Martial Arts</strong><br /><br />“As chief instructor of Villari’s Martial Arts, Mike does more than just teach karate, he infuses confidence and empowerment into his student’s lessons. As a young professional and small business owner, Mike has incredible drive and dedication to be successful while making a meaningful impact on his community.” – quote from nomination

<strong>Helen Nicholls, No Monkey Business Dog Training</strong><br /><br />“Helen works really hard to enrich and better the lives of canines and their humans. Helen never takes no for an answer. She is constantly pushing to learn more about behavior, and then takes that knowledge and spreads it as much as she can around the community. She strives to be a leader in the humane and ethical treatment of animals and is passionate and thoughtful in her work with people.” – quote from nomination
Meet the top six vote-getters – winner to be announced Nov. 2