<strong><big>David LaBombard, 4th grade</big></strong><br /><br />I like that we get to use iPads and how much technology we get to use. We used to have to always be in a computer lab, but now we can be in the classroom with iPads.

<strong><big>David LaBombard, 4th grade</big></strong><br /><br />I like that we get to use iPads and how much technology we get to use. We used to have to always be in a computer lab, but now we can be in the classroom with iPads.

<strong><big>David LaBombard, 4th grade</big></strong><br /><br />I like that we get to use iPads and how much technology we get to use. We used to have to always be in a computer lab, but now we can be in the classroom with iPads.

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