The New Hampshire Humanities Council is hosting a launch party for a new Humanities to Go catalog Sept. 28 at noon at the New Hampshire Historical Society in Concord.
Humanities to Go is a speakers bureau that makes free programs available to a wide array of organizations across New Hampshire. The catalog launch will feature presenters offering samples of their programs. Queen Victoria will be there in full regalia in the person of living history presenter Sally Mummey. John Hutchinson will sing songs and play his guitar. Steve Blunt portrays Hutchinson, one of the New Hampshire's Hutchinson Family Singers, one of the nation's most popular musical groups in the 1800s. A Chinook, a breed that originated in New Hampshire and led explorers to the poles, will be there with presenter and breeder Bob Cottrell. Popular Humanities to Go presenters include former agriculture commissioner Steve Taylor, who presents much-loved programs on New Hampshire's agricultural history and draws audiences of hundreds to his free programs, and Becky Rule, New Hampshire's renowned storyteller and story collector who presents programs on oral history and storytelling in New England.
There will be new programs on New Hampshire's connections to the Titanic, the Salem witch trials and the documents used to condemn (or save) accused witches, the enduring allure of Sherlock Holmes, and many more. The launch party is free and open to all. Learn more on the New Hampshire Humanities Council's website at