By Keith Testa - Aug 14, 2012 | 0 comments

<span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Jeffery Syms</strong></span><strong>, </strong>age 34<br /><br /><strong>Job</strong>: Your friendly neighborhood pharmacist<br /><br /><strong>Single or taken</strong>: Taken.<br /><br /><strong>What’s your idea of the perfect hunky date? </strong>The great outdoors, a great view and a great meal.<br /><br /><strong>Any Hollywood hunks you look up to? </strong>Lightning McQueen.<br /><br /><strong>If you could give yourself a hunky new name, what would it be?</strong> Hunkleberry Finn.<br /><br /><strong>Is it hard being such a hunk?</strong> Oh no, its as natural as Donald Trump’s hair!<br /><br /><strong>True or false: All hunks are heartbreakers.</strong> Well, that’s probably true of real hunks.<br /><br /><strong>How did you become such a hunk anyway?</strong> Maybe I was born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline.<br /><br /><strong>When I look in the mirror every morning I think</strong>: It’s going to be hard to live this down. . .<br /><br /><strong>Being named one of Concord’s hunkiest men makes me feel: </strong>Half embarrased, half flattered, half confused.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Mike Bartlett</strong></span></span><strong>, </strong>age 51<br /><br /><strong>Job</strong>: Front Desk at Havenwood-Heritage Heights.<br /><br /><strong>Single or taken</strong>: Taken<br /><br /><strong>What’s your idea of the perfect hunky date? </strong>Watching women’s Olympic beach volleyball with my girl and our dog.<br /><br /><strong>Any Hollywood hunks you look up to? </strong>Al Pacino in the “Godfather” and Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”<br /><br /><strong>If you could give yourself a hunky new name, what would it be? </strong>The Triple H Hunk.<br /><br /><strong>Is it hard being such a hunk?</strong> As my Dad taught me “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”<br /><br /><strong>True or false: All hunks are heart-breakers. </strong>False. A true hunk never breaks a heart – we just fill them up with joy.<br /><br /><strong>How did you become such a hunk anyway?</strong> Practice, practice, practice. . . and working around so many beautiful women helps.<br /><br /><strong>When I look in the mirror every morning I think: </strong>I have a wonderful life!<br /><br /><strong>Being named one of Concord’s hunkiest men makes me feel:</strong> Glad I moved out of the “hood” and into Concord.

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Jonathan Girard</strong></span></span><strong>, </strong>age 23<br /><br /><strong>Job</strong>: Audible Chocolate.<br /><br /><strong>Single or taken</strong>: Sorry, ladies.<br /><br /><strong>What’s your idea of the perfect hunky date? </strong>All my dates are perfect. . . and hunky.<br /><br /><strong>Any Hollywood hunks you look up to? </strong>Clooney, for sure.<br /><br /><strong>If you could give yourself a hunky new name, what would it be? </strong>Maverick. “Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.”<br /><br /><strong>Is it hard being such a hunk?</strong> A lot of people think that it’s easy coasting through life on your good looks. Let me be the first to assure you, it is.<br /><br /><strong>True or false: All hunks are heartbreakers</strong>. We hunks break hearts every time we break eye contact.<br /><br /><strong>How did you become such a hunk anyway?</strong> Good genes. Thanks, Mom!<br /><br /><strong>When I look in the mirror every morning I think:</strong> “Good morning, Handsome!”<br /><br /><strong>Being named one of Concord’s hunkiest men makes me feel:</strong> Fulfilled. I have ascended to the ranks of elite Concordian hunkdom, I can die happy now.

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Chris Trider</strong></span></span><strong>, </strong>age 53 (that’s 317 in Hunk years)<br /><br /><strong>Job</strong>: Guitar Dealer<br /><br /><strong>Single or taken</strong>: Single<br /><br /><strong>What’s your idea of the perfect hunky date? </strong>Good food and great conversation. Oh, and she has to have a pulse!<br /><br /><strong>Any Hollywood hunks you look up to? </strong>The kid in Moonrise Kingdom.<br /><br /><strong>If you could give yourself a hunky new name, what would it be? </strong>Ima Fossil.<br /><br /><strong>Is it hard being such a hunk?</strong> Ask (Trider’s bandmate) Mark Hubbard!<br /><br /><strong>True or false: All hunks are heartbreakers</strong>. See above.<br /><br /><strong>How did you become such a hunk anyway?</strong> Blackmail (As in “you better participate in this – or else!” )<br /><br /><strong>When I look in the mirror every morning I think:</strong> Yikes! It wasn’t just a bad dream!<br /><br /><strong>Being named one of Concord’s hunkiest men makes me feel: </strong>Like a pickle in a birthday cake – this is just wrong!!

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Bob Jones</strong></span></span><strong>, </strong>age 35<br /><br /><strong>Job</strong>: Finish carpenter<br /><br /><strong>Single or taken</strong>: Engaged to Abby Tomich.<br /><br /><strong>What’s your idea of the perfect hunky date? </strong>A night out – maybe hit the buffet, then fall asleep on the couch halfway through a movie from the Redbox.<br /><br /><strong>Any Hollywood hunks you look up to? </strong>The Incredible Hulk.<br /><br /><strong>If you could give yourself a hunky new name, what would it be?</strong> I don’t think I could beat Bob Jones.<br /><br /><strong>Is it hard being such a hunk?</strong> Sometimes. . .<br /><br /><strong>True or false: All hunks are heartbreakers</strong>. So, so true.<br /><br /><strong>How did you become such a hunk anyway?</strong> A strict diet of meat and cheese.<br /><br /><strong>When I look in the mirror every morning I think</strong>: Wow, kid, you really made something of yourself.<br /><br /><strong>Being named one of Concord’s hunkiest men makes me feel:</strong> On top of the world!

<strong>Adam Sexton, </strong>age 31<br /><br /><strong>Job</strong>: “News Guy”<br /><br /><strong>Single or taken</strong>: I’m the proud husband of Hunkette Amanda Grady Sexton.<br /><br /><strong>What’s your idea of the perfect hunky date? </strong><br />Five nights a week I eat dinner out of a brown paper bag while motoring along the highways and byways of New Hampshire in a news rig, so any time I get to share a sit-down meal with my wife, I’m a happy man.<br /><br /><strong>Any Hollywood hunks you look up to?</strong> Hollywood? Not so much. Locally, Frank Alosa. If you listen closely, you can hear his muscles flexing through the radio.<br /><br /><strong>If you could give yourself a hunky new name, what would it be?</strong> I’m sorry, but did you see my last name?<br /><br /><strong>Is it hard being such a hunk? </strong> A biker woman at a gas station in Epping once ran her hand along the entire length of my arm and said “You’re a good looking man.” Unfortunately, that was the first and last time anyone has said that to me.<br /><br /><strong>How did you become such a hunk anyway?</strong> My dad made me start memorizing poetry before I could read.<br /><br /><strong>When I look in the mirror every morning I think:</strong> I’m taking this pale skin back to the Irish fishing village where it belongs.<br /><br /><strong>Being named one of Concord’s hunkiest men makes me feel:</strong> Rushed? I’ve only lived here since November.
Our readers nominated them, and here they are!