Health needs session

Concord Hospital and its community partners are hosting a 2012 Capital Region Health Needs Assessment Listening Session at the Penacook Community Center, 76 Community Drive, on Aug. 29 at 5:45 p.m. This session will help the needs assessment workgroup learn what community members believe are the most pressing health needs for themselves and their neighbors. Concord Hospital and its community partners have begun conducting the health needs assessment to obtain feedback from adults and teens in Concord and in surrounding communities to help determine priority health needs for the region. The state of New Hampshire requires that health care charitable trusts conduct comprehensive community health needs assessments to identify priority health needs and further develop and report on programs and services to meet those needs. Input and feedback from community members is an extremely important component of the needs assessment and the workgroup encourages participation in this community discussion. Please join us to share yourthoughts. The Capital Region Health Needs Assessment will be completed by Dec. 31 and the final results will be available in early January. For more information, call 227-7000, ext. 5209.

Author: The Concord Insider

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