Concord Public Library 'Book of the week'

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The Thinking Life

Pier Massimo Forni

2011, 175 pages


Have you ever made a decision and afterward wondered to yourself “What was I thinking?” In the age of Facebook and Twitter, sometimes things are out of our mouth before we know it. One thing to do before is stop and ask yourself “Do I really need to say or do this?” It takes just a second but it may make you rethink.

In bigger decisions, such as which job to take or whether to get married, one should think long and hard before jumping in. One good thing to do is keep a journal or notebook on all aspects that affect your decision. Reread the notebook after a few days to see what things occurred to you that you may use in the process of making a good decision. A list of pros and cons should be considered as well. Ask your friends and family for their input.

This book tells us that thinking is a skill we have not used very much in an age of distraction by the many gadgets and things going on in our world. You can make good thinking skills a habit or relearn some skills you may have not used in a while.

Author: The Concord Insider

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