Your intrepid Insiders often find themselves cruising Craigslist's missed connections looking for everlasting love the best entries. Here are a few gems, presented without editing.
Redhead lady – m4w – 46
you were red in the head, i wanted to take you to bed! you told me to drop dead, until you heard what i said. You were taking some kind of exam at Hazen drive, We had lunch out on the lawn
kawanis fair – tilt a whirl guy – w4m – 24
I road the tilt a whirl twice with my son and we both had a blast thanx to you. The second time he asked for you to drive, it not the other Guy. . . we continued to smile back n forth at each other and before we left u asked me something. You were the younger n better looking Guy of the two 🙂 if u see this reply and tell me what u asked me or what I dropped on the ground. . . if u reply both then ill really know it's you. . . if someone happens to see this man tomorrow please tell him I'm looking for him. . .
Liz at tacos bell – m4w – 35
Liz you were working the drive thru yesterday and you gave me the chills. i want to hook up with you sometime. let me know if your interested.
White avalanche – m4w – 25
At set of lights and i was in sunfire and you were driving white avalanche and i hope u get this:) interested in talking “sexi”
concord post office – m4w – 20
u where leaving the post office earlier in the after noon u had ona white shirt and shoulder length brown hair im pretty sure ur a biut older but you where absolutly incredible i thought about it and when back outside in hopes of catching you but,, ya know , i hope you see this
Concord vet – m4w – 47
You had a blue shirt & jeans with a dog, tell me what i had and I will reply