We hit the streets to find the pulse of Concord's vibrant yardsaling community and jam our finger squarely upon it. What were people buying? What were they selling? How much does a used VHS tape go for these days? These questions begged to be answered.
We've always had a penchant for yard saling. Maybe it's the bargains one can score, maybe it's the thrill of competition as you try to find that perfect item before the hordes rake over a sale. Or, maybe the fun was perfectly summed up by yard-saler Harry Sweet, whom we met on our yard-saling excursion.
“What other opportunity do you have,” Sweet said, “to go up to people and harrass them and say 'Why on earth did you buy this in the first place?' “
Check the Concord Monitor’s yard sale map at concordmonitor.com/page/yard-sale-map-for-this-weekend to plan out your weekend of yard saling!