Each week, Tom Aspell cruises the streets of Concord, looking for discarded food. When he finds a tasty morsel, he takes a picture of himself eating it and sends it in to the Insider. Then we tell him that that isn't how scavenger hunts work and he sheepishly writes us a city memo.
Dog licenses are due
The long paw of the law
The City Clerk's Office would like to remind dog owners that the deadline to license a dog passed April 30, and approximately 3,700 dogs remain unlicensed within the city. Please renew now to avoid late fees and/or fines, Aspell writes.
Per NH RSA 466:1, every owner or keeper of a dog, four months of age or older, must license said dog in the municipal clerk's office in the city or town in which the dog is kept. Licenses are effective from May 1 through April 30 of the subsequent year.
The city of Concord does not invoice residents for dog licenses, and many residents have requested that the city provide dog licensing reminders. In follow-up to those requests, the City Clerk's Office and the city's Information Technology Department have designed a dog licensing database, to which residents may add their email addresses in order to receive dog licensing reminders from the city. To be added to the dog licensing database, residents need to send an email to doglicense-join@my.concordnh.gov. Residents may stop receiving the notices at any time by sending an e-mail to doglicense-leave@my.concordnh.gov.
For more information, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 225-8500 or via email at cityclerk@concordnh.gov.
trot for tots
The walk that rocks
The 2nd Annual Trot for Tots 5K Run/Walk, sponsored by the Concord Parks and Recreation Department and the East Concord Cooperative Preschool, will take place May 5 at 10 a.m. at Merrill Park. Pre-registration fee is $25 for adults; kids 12 and under are $15. Race day registration will begin at 9 a.m. and will be $30. All proceeds will benefit the Concord Parks and Recreation Scholarship Fund and the East Concord Cooperative Preschool, Aspell writes. For a registration form, visit concordnh.gov/recreation or contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 225-8690.