Rebecca Wolfe dresses up for a night at the movies

In the time it took you to read this article, Rebecca Wolfe just ripped another five dozen tickets.
In the time it took you to read this article, Rebecca Wolfe just ripped another five dozen tickets.

Name: Rebecca Wolfe.

Title: Red River staff.

How long have you been taking tickets at Red River?

Since June of 2010.

What led you to finding a job with the theater?

My mom saw an ad in the paper. I wasn't even looking for a job, but she said I should apply, and it worked out.

What's the best part of working here?

The special events when I get to dress up. We dress up for any movie where people are encouraged to come in costume.

Have you ever had anyone try to sneak into a movie they weren't old enough to see?

No, I've never had to bust anyone. I don't think it's that kind of place.

What's the most creative way anyone has tried to smuggle their own food into the theater?

It's not that kind of place, either. People sometimes come in and ask, “Can I bring in food from outside?” We definitely don't encourage that.

You must get to see a lot of movies. What's your favorite that you saw here?

The King's Speech, tied with Black Swan. That one was weird, but good.

How many tickets can you rip in 60 seconds?

About 60. It depends on whether they are grouped together or single. I'm sure everyone has their own techniques.

What's your favorite theater concession food?

We get these huge cookies from Sal's Pizza, and those are delicious. And, of course, popcorn.

If you could have a private showing of any film ever, what would you watch?

Star Wars – all of them.

If they were making a movie about your life, who would play you?

That girl from True Grit (Hailee Steinfeld). She seemed pretty down to earth.

Do you have a hidden talent?

I play the violin.

Author: The Concord Insider

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