What has 8 legs and runs Concord?

That sign only applies if you are a squirrel.
That sign only applies if you are a squirrel.
Nelson receives some tips about life in the public eye from Councilor Amanda Grady.
Nelson receives some tips about life in the public eye from Councilor Amanda Grady.
Here’s Nelson ruling on high from atop the White Mountains with his master, Lindsay Hanson.
Here’s Nelson ruling on high from atop the White Mountains with his master, Lindsay Hanson.

The last Concord Arts Market Pet Day was the site of a special event – the election of the canine mayor of Concord. The event, which raised several hundred bones for local animal shelters, saw almost 20 dogs enter in a quest for canine supremacy. In the end, basset hound Victoria and Great Dane Nelson received the same number of votes, and a tie was declared. Now, Concord not only has its first canine mayor, but it's a two-headed beast that would make Cerberus shake in his collar(s).

Naturally, the Insider saw fit to scoop up an exclusive first interview with the co-canine mayors, and here it is.

Name: Victoria.

Age: 15.

You've had somewhat of a rocky road to your current glory. Tell us a little bit about your rags-to-riches story.

At 14 years old and close to 90 pounds, I found myself at the Concord-Merrimack SPCA, in need of a home. You never imagine it can happen to you, but I took a cold, hard look at myself. I had let myself go. My joints hurt, and I was so big that it was hard to walk.

The people at the shelter were great! They put me on a diet, got me walking again (okay, not as far as I would have liked. Sometimes only to the end of the driveway.) but the shelter didn't give up on me and I persevered! Eventually, I found a home with with people who showed me love again and several other dogs my age.

My new family got me started on a new diet and exercise routine, which included Squirrel Hunting for Cardiovascular Health. (I have a book deal in the works.) The pounds melted away, I started learning new tricks, met some people. Well, one thing led to another, and then this, politics! Who knew?

I'm told one of your major platforms for the mayoral campaign was to rid the city of squirrels. Do you stand by that, and do you have a timetable for the squirrel eradication?

I am calling on every canine in the city of Concord to join me in this mission to rid our fair city of this rodent renegade. I cannot do this alone! If each of us patrols our own yards and watches out for our neighbors, by next summer, Mrs. Aldrich's petunias will be pest free, Mr. Smith's bird feeders will no longer be ransacked, and Concord will be the first city in New Hampshire to be free of squirrels!

What are your our other major platforms?

I hope to bring attention to the many homeless pets in the Concord area, especially seniors.

The Canine Mayor election ended in a tie between you and Great Dane Nelson. What do you expect the balance of power to be between the two of you?

Truth be told, I've always looked up to Nelson, but that doesn't mean I can be stepped over or that I'll roll over and play dead. As the citizens of Concord have learned, I have a lot to say and a voice that will not be suppressed. Nelson and I have had our differences, but I'm a pack hound, and I have always worked cooperatively with humans and canines alike. I hope that Nelson agrees with me and this will not become a game of purebred vs. mixed-breed politics but that we will find a middle ground that will be beneficial for all.

What are some of the qualities of a basset hound that make you a good leader?

Like most bassets, I keep my ears to the ground. If there are any rumblings of discontent among our canine constituents, I'm often the first to know.

Basset hounds have a notoriously low belly clearance; any plans to lower any city curbs or institute a lawnmowing grass height policy?

Curbs can usually be tackled by even the lowest-slung bassets, and tall grass can act as effective camo when hunting. The real problem is snow. I'd like to urge everyone to clear an area for your shorter dogs. Humans, please, it will benefit you in the long run to think of your shorter canine companions when shoveling.

What's your stance on mailmen?

I'd like all my fellow canines to start viewing the mail carrier as your friend. Some dogs are notoriously quick to take offense at anyone entering their territory, but if they'd relax their hackles for a minute and use their olfactory expertise, they'd realize mail carriers don't just bring those papers that put their humans into a funk, but they are often carrying a biscuit or two that they are only too happy to share with the welcoming canine.

How about fire hydrants?

Canines are no different than anyone else when it comes to the importance of social media, and hydrants are crucial if Concord canines are going to continue to be among the most educated in our state. I hope Nelson is with me on this . . . but I'd like to see double the number of hydrants we have now.

Name: Nelson.

Age: I don't remember my exact age. I would say my life really started 4 years ago when I moved from the lonely streets of Arkansas to the warm and welcoming city of Concord.

So, you're a giant dog. Are you the first mayor in history that can easily be ridden like a horse?

I may stand tall, but if I can see farther than other dogs, it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.

What are your major platforms? What kind of changes can we expect in Concord now that you're in charge?

During my campaign, I pledged that I would be tough on crime. I intend to fulfill that promise. As you know, you cannot address crime prevention in Concord without addressing the skunk population. I will not rest until all skunks move to Bow.

The Canine Mayor election ended in a tie between you and basset hound Victoria. What do you expect the balance of power to be between the two of you?

I respect Victoria – she ran a good campaign. While I'm sure we don't see eye-to-eye on all of the issues, as long as she doesn't think corporations are people, I'm willing to work with her to get the job done.

What are some of the qualities of a Great Dane that make you a good leader?

Loyalty, a gorgeous gray coat, and an appreciation of vital public infrastructure (including parks, outdoor cafes, hot dog stands, and nature trails). I'm also a fantastic watchdog. What better way to keep a check on Concord than electing, literally, a watchdog?

What's your stance on mailmen? How about fire hydrants?

As I mentioned before, I'm a firm believer in public infrastructure, which includes fire hydrants. I am willing to sit down with local leaders of the National Association of Letter Carriers in an effort to improve canine/carrier relations. Letter carriers and I have had our differences in the past, but now is a time for coming together.

Who's your favorite famous Great Dane or mayor?

I'm looking forward to working with Mayor Bouley, the famous mayor of Concord. I hope that we can work together on the skunk issue.

Are you more of a Marmaduke or a Scooby Doo?

Marmaduke. He's 237 years old in dog years. That's some serious longevity.

Author: Ben Conant

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