Learn to homebrew

Nov 5. is the American Homebrewers Association's 13th annual Learn to Homebrew Day, and Kettle to Keg Homebrew & Winemaking Supplies in Suncook is sponsoring this year's celebration in cooperation with the Concord Co-Op Market and the Concord Area Homebrewers.

Learn to Homebrew Day is an international event celebrated each year on the first Saturday in November, with the goal of introducing people to the homebrewing hobby and establishing relationships with local homebrew supply shops and homebrew clubs.

Kettle to Keg is happy to invite anyone who is interested in learning how to homebrew to stop by the Concord Co-Op at 24 S. Main St. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 5. Call 485-2054 or email jesse@kettletokeg.com for more information.

Author: The Concord Insider

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