By Keith Testa - Oct 11, 2011 | 0 comments

Guess who got some love from the UK? Concord did! City resident Dan Hobson (center) said Concord could use more bars, but visiting parents Jill and Brian Ward said things were smashing the way they are. (Dan was otherwise happy with his digs, too).

Denise Ivas said she’d prefer a supermarket in Penacook but was otherwise pleased, while 2-year-old Peter decided to keep his personal views private.

Alicia Sanders-Zakre would keep bookstores and coffee shops open later, Sheila Zakre would add a riverfront park, and Bob Sanders would avoid expanding Interstate 93 to a six-lane highway.

Gary Bullock of Pompanoosuc Mills Furniture would get rid of the dip in the brick sidewalk outside the store “where water always collects and snow and ice sit all winter long.”

Melissa Palys (back left) would add more outside seating and picnic tables, while Matthew Crochmal (back right) of Bedford was so enamored with the city he said the only thing he’d change would be moving to Concord. Ten-year-old Shane Riley, 5-year-old Samantha Riley and 6-month-old Daniel Crochmal were just happy to be there.

Anthony Farella would make sure to keep the trolley running, while Cory Lawrence would move the people who congregate in front of the capital in the evening. “They’re too loud,” he said.

Nick Joslin would eliminate the pay-by-bag trash program, while Stephanie Dash said “I like everything about” Concord.

Tom Farley would like to see more parking available downtown and less charging for said parking.

Paul Brown of Madeleines would like to see rents come down for Main Street businesses. “I know two landlords on Main Street who have already brought rents down.”
We took to the streets to find out what residents would add to or subtract from our city. Power to the people!