City Briefly

Each week, City Manager Tom Aspell defogs his goggles, slips on his swim cap and slaps on his Speedo. Then he gets a running start, bounces on the ping board, and delivers a 360° jackknife of a city memo. This week was no exception.

Keep it clean


The Parks and Recreation Department has several areas around the City available in their “Adopt-a-Spot” Program, Aspell writes. The Department is looking for companies, families or groups of friends to beautify and maintain areas within the City. For more information visit or call 225-8690.

i'll tan your hide!

Work continues

Work continues at the site of the former tannery, Aspell writes. Roof trusses have been installed for the new medical office building, and the new sanitary sewer service from the office building to Walnut Street is complete. Work on the City's off site improvements to support the new development are nearly complete. Final paving of East Street is expected to occur within the next several days.

great job, greg

Hold your water

City Engineering Technician Greg Meagher recently received his State of New Hampshire Grade I Water Distribution Operator Certification. To accomplish this he completed 50 hours of class time and numerous hours preparing for the certification exam, Aspell writes.

extreme tom makeover

You look great

Over the past two weeks, Parks and Recreation Department staff have completed a landscape makeover adjacent to City Hall and the Police Station. Staff removed “turf,” prepped the area and planted a variety of perennial shrubs and grasses, Aspell writes. The existing hosta and iris were transplanted and utilized in the planting area. A 3-inch layer of black bark mulch was spread to accent the planting, keep moisture available for the plants, and keep the weeds at bay.

Author: The Concord Insider

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