The great story experiment

We're trying out a new feature here at the Insider. Inspired by an exercise done by Beth Piroso's sixth-grade class at Merrimack Valley Middle School, this week we are going to run a “story-starter,” an open-ended beginning to a story. Then we are going to count on reader submissions to continue the story each week.

The inaugural installment comes to us from Brayden Harriman and Noah Seltzer, both 14. It's titled “Easter Bunny.” Here we go!

“It's the day before Easter! It's almost here!” said the Easter Bunny working in his shop. “I have all these eggs and baskets for the kids that I must finish before morning comes!”

The bunny was working in his shop painting eggs and baskets for the kids in the morning. He was working all day and night until he was extremely tired and fell asleep right on his work bench.

When he woke up, it was late at night and he had to finish the eggs before morning! He had only 200 left to do and when he got back to the den to get the rest, THERE WERE NO MORE EGGS!

He slept through the day, all the stores were closed, and all the kids would be expecting their treats when they woke up. The bunny thought and thought, then came up with a plan. He will. . .

Now it's up to you, the faithful Insider reader. Continue the story where it left off. You can write it as a group, as a class or by yourself.

Submit the next part of the story to We'll choose our favorite submission to be Part Two of the story!

Thanks, young authors.

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Author: The Concord Insider

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