Complete this sentence: City Manager Tom Aspell . . .
a. Writes a weekly memo.
b. Likes long walks on the beach.
c. Wears glasses.
d. All of the above.
If you guessed “d” you are correct! Well, we’re not positive if he likes long walks on the beach, but who wouldn’t enjoy that? Here are the highlights from this week’s memo:
Be careful on the ice
“Caution ice-skaters!!” Tom wrote. We know he means serious business due to the double exclamation points.
“Despite the recent cold weather, the Grounds Division would like to remind everyone that the newly formed ice on the city’s ponds is still too thin to safely venture out onto,” Tom wrote.
According to the memo, ponds need at least 5 inches of ice before skating may safely take place. Rivers and streams are always unsafe, Tom warned, since the water is typically moving beneath the ice, making it look safe but usually not.
Got it? Rivers, bad. Five or more inches of ice, good.
Tips for cold weather
Tom, ever the worrywart, had even more to say on the subject of winter safety.
“We are all responsible for safety on the road,” Tom lectured.
If only someone would tell us how to be safer! Oh wait – what’s this?!?!
“Below is a list of helpful actions everyone can take to keep the roads safe for drivers and pedestrians throughout the winter,” you-know-who added.
Here are Tom’s tips:
– Plan to stay off the roads during storms whenever possible. Fewer cars on our city streets will reduce the potential for accidents and assist our highway crews in doing their work.
– If you must travel, be sure to prepare your car for winter driving with snow tires, good windshield wipers, and functioning headlights.
– Be sure to clear your car of snow before getting on the road. Remember, it’s the state law.
– Pay attention to flashing yellow lights on plow trucks or tractors plowing sidewalks, as this is an indication of work happening. Please give the trucks and tractors room to perform their job for your safety and theirs.
– Do not push snow from driveways across roads or onto sidewalks, as this creates a hazard for drivers and pedestrians.
– Obey any parking bans and try to park off the streets and sidewalks whenever possible.
And so concludes today’s lesson on cold weather safety. Thank you, Professor Aspell.
Rockingham update
In case you were wondering what’s going on with the Rockingham Street sidewalk construction project, here’s the dealio.
According to the memo, the contractor installed the guardrail along Rockingham Street last week. Tree stumps were cut down and removed, making way for the construction of the sidewalk base. Installation of gravel is planned for this week. Weather will dictate how much more work can be completed prior to winter shut-down, Tom wrote.