We left these Craigslist Missed Connections in all their unedited glory. You’re welcome.
Girl at the deli in Shaws on Loudon Road – m4w
I don’t usually rant like this, but . . . You waited on me, and your so real, and kind and the expressions on your face are to die for. You have blue/purple and pink in your hair. Its beautiful. Those eyes. You were also amazing with the children in line line before me. There was quite a line waiting and you handled it perfectly. If you out there I just want to at least know you. Or if someone else has any insight? I’ve gone in several times and was not able to catch you.
To the beautiful dark hair women at the hess station. Shoulda coulda – m4w – 35 (Concord Hess station)
Wish i asked for your num. If you read this shoot me back a email. Seen you Mon around 6 you purchased a pack of newports
hottie directing traffice airport road – w4m – 30 (Concord)
You were directing traffic on airport road, I was stuck waiting but man, looking at you made the time go by faster. You. Are So Hot. You were wearing mirrored shades but I think you were looking at me, too. I was driving a black SUV, I had my fat friend in the passenger seat but I bet you didnt even see her, I bet you only saw me. Sure do wish I could have jumped out and given you my number, but by the time I got up the courage, you were waving me through. But I’ll be back on that road tomorrow, will you?
concord vip – m4w – 49 (concord nh)
i was retorqing yr tires and you said i was the cute guy that worked on your car and that you were older. i tried to flirt with you cause i thought you were with me. i ahev to say i would love to see you agaiin you are very very hot and equally as beautiful i dont acvre what the aghe dif is 61 is just rght
You stole my carrot 3… – w4m – 32 (Concord, NH)
I saw you at Jared’s…I kept looking your way (you were looking at watches and I was over by the diamonds) and I swear you were looking back at me. I can't stop thinking about you babe . . . you had glasses and a beard and wow you were so handsome. I don’t think you will see this but on the off chance you will reply to this post… <3
J.C.Penney – m4w – 40 (Concord)
You were working in the underwear section yesterday afternoon and helped us at the checkout (you almost forgot your password). If you're interested, I’d luv to model my new briefs for you in person or via webcam.
Walmart employee – m4m – 30 (Concord)
I was there Sunday looking at halloween costumes and you were in the same section haning signs. I felt you flirt with me. We finally made eye contact and you were really hot! You have a tattoo stretching down your right hip. I also think we share the same name. I’d love to meet up