The hottest brochure to hit the capital city
While the rest of you were outlet shopping and leaf peeping on Columbus Day, we were reading City Manager Tom Aspell’s weekly memo. Jealous?
We’d be envious, too. Sure, we’d like a day off, but then would we have found out that the recreation department’s fall/winter brochure is now available . . . before everyone else discovered this gem? Probably not. Since we already perused the brochure and circled all the courses we want (here we come, tumbling class!), we’ll let you in on a little secret: You can find the brochure online at
According to Tom, the brochure was also delivered to all Penacook and Concord schools last Wednesday. So, be sure to ask your kids to fork it over, so you can take a look at it, too.
For more information, call the rec department at 225-8690.
Construction talk: North State Street
We’ll keep this brief since we have devoted way too much time to the North State Street saga over the past few months.
According to the memo, construction will continue on North State Street with week at the intersection of Lake and Clarke streets. Traffic will be resricted to one lane during the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
As always, Tom wrote that you may want to seek alternative routes and blah blah blah. Okay, maybe we added that last part.
Loudon Road update
Here’s another road you may want to avoid:
“The night work on Loudon Road continues,” Tom wrote. “Last week, the contractor installed approximately 400 feet of water main between Hazen Drive and Dunkin Donuts. This week, the work area will focus between Dunkin Donuts and the Mobil Station.”
Tom added that traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction between Hazen Drive and 7 Eleven. So, you may want to get your Big Gulp during daytime hours since traffic may be hectic at night.
Hmm, suddenly we’re feeling a little parched. We’ll meet soon, Big Gulp.
For even more city memo, visit