We’re in hot water
City Manager Tom Aspell had quite a bit to say in this week’s memo. We’re not sure what inspired you to be so verbose, Tom, but we like it.
To celebrate, let’s toast Tom with a tall glass of room-temperature water! Why not ice cold?
We’ll let Tom tell you:
“Due to the last two years of wet and cool weather, the temperature of the city’s water reservoir, Penacook Lake, was averaging a cool 65 degrees, resulting in cool tap water,” he wrote.
“This year, we’ve all received our wish for a hot summer with little rain. With the hot temperatures, we all like a nice cool drink of water out of the tap, letting it run until it’s cool to the touch.”
Boy, do we ever!
“We regret to report that, with the warm temperatures, our reservoir is warming upwards to 75-80 degrees,” he added.
Don’t worry, Tom understands our need to stay quenched and offered some helpful suggestions: “To help conserve water, we urge residents not to run the tap waiting for cool water but, instead, fill a jug of water and put it in the refrigerator. . . . This will also reduce water usage fees. It’s a win-win situation – cold water and less cost!”
Put water in fridge. Got it. If only someone would invent a way to freeze water into small cubes. That way, we could drop said cubes into the glass and keep our beverages icy cold. Ah, well. Maybe our children’s children will see such luxuries in their lifetimes.
Pools are popular
Get your swimmies!
On the subject of water and feeling refreshed, Tom wrote this about the city pools:
“This has been the busiest summer since 2002, with over 15,800 people using the city’s swimming pools. This is double the attendance from the same period over the last two years.”
Are you sure it was 15,800 people using the pools, Tom, or did you just use the pools 15,800 yourself?
He added that the pools will be open through Aug. 12, so be sure to get plenty of swimming in between now and then.
For pool locations and hours, visit
Good news!
The results you’ve been waiting for . . .
It’s a girl!
Just kidding – this news is even better than that. We’ll let Tom tell you the exciting news:
“The results are in and the recreation department camps are a hit, receiving an average score of 4.5 out of 5.”
Woo hoo!
Camps surveyed included cheerleading, Crimson Tide tennis, Lego, Mad Science, field hockey and introduction to video.
Tom added that there are still openings in many of the camps. That’s right – there’s still a chance that your kids, too, could be a mad scientist or tennis pro.
For more information, visit or call 225-8690.
For more city memo madness, visit