All right, you little scavengers, it’s time to strap on your burliest pair of sneakers, throw a few of your brightest flares in a backpack and head into the wilds of Concord, also known as the city’s parks.
When we set out last week document the parks for this assignment, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves in to. “A scavenger hunt in the city parks?” we scoffed. “Sounds like a breeze. How many are there, like, four of them?”
No. There are more. Many more. Eighteen, to be precise, at least according to the recreation department’s handy dandy map (available at
We’ll be the first to admit it: We weren’t prepared to battle the elements (sharp blades of grass, burning-hot slides, allergies) and left behind critical necessities like water, chocolate-covered macaroons and our favorite Meat Loaf album, “Bat Out of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose.” So we stopped at 10 parks.
We’ll spare you our tales of woe. The important thing is, we survived and returned with a challenging scavenger hunt.
We want to give you some incentive to face this perilous journey. If you can get at least eight correct answers, we’ll reward you. Handsomely. Or at least with an enthusiastic congratulations.
One lucky winner will get a $15 gift certificate to the downtown business of his or her choice, plus a piece of yet-to-be-determined Insider gear. Send your answers to We’ll announce the answers and winner in an upcoming issue.
Happy hunting.
The ‘who knew there were so many concord parks?’ Key
(In no particular order):
White Park
Rollins Park
Thompson Park
Kimball Park
Garrison Park
Fletcher-Murphy playground
West Street playground
Merrill Park
Rolfe Park
Keach Park